vision: empowered women transforming the world as God’s Beloved
mission: inspiring women to[re]claim their intimate connection to God’s calling

God asks each of us to reach out and share his love.

CBWOQ began when the hearts of Ontario and Quebec women were set on fire to do whatever they could to bring health, education, justice, and the Gospel (word+ deed) to the poor and downtrodden women and girls of India.

And when we look at what God is calling us to do today, we look, as we did over 140 years ago, at the spiritual, social, and material needs of women in our day–trafficked women globally, First Nations women nationally, or spiritually adrift women locally–and pray that God would set us on fire to respond, just as He ignited a movement among our foremothers in response to the needs of women in their day.


We create resources and host events to help you draw closer to God and grow in leadership skills.

We support causes and provide ideas to connect to your community.

We fund projects to help the vulnerable locally and around the world.

click on the images below to download some handy PDF pages to print and share at your next gathering

Meet our ED Helena Bergen

How you make a difference

Volunteer with us


click to meet our staff and Board

Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec
5 International Blvd., Etobicoke, ON
M9W 6H3